Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ditch the Tour Bus

I do love travel. However, if you are like me the idea of traveling to a foreign land on your own is a bit daunting. Even if you are only going to Europe, there are going to be language and cultural differences that can make travel challenging. Now it is true that English is widely spoken throughout the world and the American culture is well known throughout the world. However, I would like to visit a new land on it's own terms. Being an American that may be difficult, but maybe I can at least settle for neutral terms.

This blog is meant to primarily journal my travels. I would also like this to be a how-to guide for beginning independent travelers like myself. My wife and I have been on the guided tours and they are fine, at least for a little bit. They do have a few issues:

  • You are on someone's clock and it's not yours
  • You have dinner with the same 15-20 people every night.
  • The itinerary shall not be broken
  • The bus
  • Everywhere you go, you bring a crowd.
  • Interesting conversation with the locals is thwarted by the tour group's presence.

So, maybe it's time to go out on your own, without the safety of an English interpreter. Turn your travel into an exploration, with the successes and failures that come with it. Now I know that foreign travel does not intimidate a lot of folks and that's fine. But there are many of us out there who want to be well prepared to avoid getting cursed at in another language. This blog is intended to help others like me.

OK, so here we go. We are in the midst of planning our next adventure to Italy and Switzerland.

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