Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Disease Prevention

Before going to Peru one of the first places to visit is the Doctor's office. They can tell you about all the bad things you can get there. Then they will provide preventive treatment where possible.

I have had my doctor's appointment. The result was 5 vaccinations, all shots. And 2 prescription medicines. Don't forget the non-prescription medicines you will need. They gave me all 5 shots at the same office visit. It wasn't that bad.

Here are the vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever   This disease is transmitted by Mosquitos and occurs in the Peruvian Amazon. When you are vaccinated you receive a World Health Organization Yellow card. I read that the card is required for entry into certain areas. You do not need the vaccine unless you are going into the lowland jungle.
  • Typhoid   This disease is transmitted through contaminated food and water.
  • Hepatitis A   Hep A is a virus that is rarely lethal but can often require hospitalization. Hep A is contracted from other people carrying the disease, either through close contact or contaminated food or water. Peru is one of the countries with a large number of carriers.
  • Tetanus   You always want to be protected from Tetanus. Included in the Tetanus shot were vaccines for Diphtheria and Whooping Cough.
  • Measles, Mumps, & Rubella   I couldn't prove that I had had these vaccinations as a child, although I am pretty sure I had, so I received this shot as well. Oh joy.


I received 2 prescriptions one for Malaria and one to help prevent altitude sickness. I am not sure I will use the altitude sickness pills, I might just drink the coca tea that is provided by hotels. Yes, that is the coca used to make cocaine. However, I am informed that the similarity ends there.

There is no vaccine for Malaria. Instead you take a medication that kills the Malaria parasite. Therefore you start taking the medication just prior to entering the jungle, during your jungle visit, and then a short time after leaving the area. Hopefully, if you are infected (mosquitos are the source of this evil), the meds will kill it off. However, there is still a chance that you will get Malaria. Of course if you do not go into the lowland jungle you do not need Malaria pills.


As if that is not enough, you still need to bring more items.

  • Insect Repellent - Here's an idea, try to prevent mosquito bites in the first place. Need at least 20% DEET.
  • Water Purification - For emergency, in case you can not get bottled water. We will take iodine.
  • Imodium/Pepto Bismal - Just in case the bowels get out of hand.
  • Tylenol/Ibuprofen - You take them on any trip.

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