Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, June 1 - Cusco

This was the final day in Peru. I think we were all ready to go home. We had a half day bus tour of Cusco in the afternoon. For the morning we had nothing planned and so we had a slow breakfast, and then we basically did nothing. We went back to the pizza place for lunch and then waited for our bus to arrive.

The tour wasn't so bad, churches and Inca ruins. You know the usual stuff. I will say that the large ruins just outside of Cusco called Sacsayhuaman were interesting and provided great views of Cusco and the surrounding mountains. The main cathedral in Cusco is very interesting, especially the huge painting of the Last Supper. Except in this painting, Guinea Pig is being served to Jesus and the Apostles. Remember, Guinea Pig is delicacy and eaten for celebrations in Peru. However, we had the most incredibly disrespectful people with us on the tour.

Can you believe it. The worst people we met on the entire trip were from Texas. I suspect incest was involved. They had no interest in listening to the guide. They would have loud conversations while the guide was talking. They would take off from the rest of the group. Actually that was a good thing, except at least one of them was late getting back to the bus at every stop. At one stop the entire bus booed when one of the latecomers finally showed up. Then we couldn't make the last stop, an alpaca wool shop, which we had been told was a good place to buy alpaca wool items and learn about how to determine if a garment is fake alpaca. Becky had a bit of a fit, and finally the Texans were silenced. Why in the world did these people get on the bus in the first place.

So with great relief we were back at the hotel. We went to a restaurant in the San Blas area. The restaurant was called Pacha Papa and was highly recommended by Fodor's. I was tempted to try the Guinea Pig, but opted for clay pot chicken. It was delicious, and was complimented with a glass of Chilean cabernet. The seating was in an outdoor square with heat lamps. A harpest played in the background while we viewed the constellation of the Southern Cross just overhead. You know we had great meals in Peru, but this was the best of all.

Viva Peru!

The ruins of Sacsayhuaman Highest peak near Cusco, Ausangate - 20,943 feet The Cathedral in Cusco

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