Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 2 - Going Home

Today was back to the USA day. Easy travel day. Cusco to Lima, Lima to San Salvador, 6 hour layover, San Salvador to San Francisco, San Francisco to home. In all it took about 22 hours from the time we got in that Cusco cab to the time we walked through the front door of our home. We were tired and I was ill for the next two days. I think we should stopped half way in Costa Rica and spent a couple of days on the beach. Maybe we will try that next time, but I am always in a rush to get back to work after a trip.

There is one thing I wish we could have done, and that is to have taken more pictures of the "real" Peru. These are the images of the cities, towns, and villiages where people actually live. The crowded dwellings on urban dirt roads, or all the women washing their clothes in the river. I found these images fascinating, but of course the tour buses don't stop for these views and you don't make time to go out on your own to take these pictures. But we did capture a few of those images, so here they are.

Catholic Procession Notice the adobe bricks drying in the sun Taquille Boy

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