Monday, November 9, 2009

Antarctica/Argentina/Chile Itinerary

Our itinerary has been finalized. Most importantly we have chosen the ship to take to Antarctica. We have decided upon Quark's Adventure ship departing Ushuaia, Argentina on December 31. Yes, this is the smallest ship of the choices that made our short list. However, we expect this to be a once in a lifetime trip. So we will endure the Drake Passage on a small ship, but we will have a maximum of 68 other passengers with us, we will have 5 days to explore the Antarctica Pennisula, and we have one night of camping. That's right, we are taking a camping vacation this year. In Antarctica!

The advantage of having only 68 passengers on board is that all passengers can go ashore at one time. If there are more than 100 passengers on the ship then the shore excursions have to be broken up into groups of 100 people or less (I believe this includes guides). This is part of a voluntary code of conduct to which members of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Opertators (IAATO) abide. This limits the environmental impact of tourism on Antarctica. The Obama administration has recently expressed a desire to incorporate the 100 person limit into the International Antarctic Treaty. That is one reasons we rushed into this trip. You never know the future impact of government regulations. More regulation always has the potential of limiting access and/or increasing costs.

All of our flights have been booked. As soon as I know the hotels/activities, I will post a more detailed itinerary.

Let me also make an open invitation to any our familiy and friends that might like to join us while we are in Argentina. You can wander Buenos Aires, taste Argentine beef, take in a Tango, shop, enjoy the nightlife, and sip on Malbec in the wine country. Also, don't forget that it is the austral summer in January.

Argentina/Antarctica Dec. 27 - Jan. 17

Dec. 27Depart SFO 11:55am
Dec. 28Arrive in Buenos Aires 10:15amSleep in Buenos Aires
Dec. 29Buenos AiresSleep in Buenos Aires
Dec. 30Travel to UshuaiaSleep in Ushuaia
Dec. 31/
Jan. 09
Antarctica Adventure shipSleep on board
Jan. 10Disembark/travel to Buenos AiresSleep in Buenos Aires
Jan. 11Buenos AiresSleep in Buenos Aires
Jan. 12Buenos AiresSleep in Buenos Aires
Jan. 13Travel to MendozaSleep in Mendoza
Jan. 14Mendoza/Wine TourSleep in Mendoza
Jan. 15Travel to SantiagoSleep in Santiago
Jan. 16Depart Santiago 11:05pm
Jan. 17Arrive in SFO 9:40am

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