Friday, December 11, 2009

Trip Details - Antarctica/Argentina/Chile

On this trip we slowed down the itinerary compared to our previous trips. We will be spending a total of 5 nights in Buenos Aires. In the past, 3 nights was the max for any particular city. And, when we stepped off the plane we made a beeline to the next destination. But with long flights, where you have to sleep on the plane, I get a little tired. So this time when we get off the plane in Buenos Aires we will make a beeline to the hotel. After 2 nights in Buenos Aires we will then continue south to catch our ship to Antarctica. When we return to Buenos Aires after Antarctica we will spend 3 nights there. That sounds pretty leisurely to me.

We have not planned many sightseeing tours for Argentina. This is also a change from previous trips. I will probably arrange for us to see a Tango show in Buenos Aires and a wine country tour in Mendoza. But other than that we do not have specific plans. We will just take in what each day offers.

Here are the trip details:


12/27Leave SFO at 11:55am. There is a 3 hour layover in Miami.
12/28Arrival in Buenos Aires at 10:15am. Buenos Aires is 5 hours ahead of US Pacific Time, so it will feel like 5:15am to us. We will drop our luggage off at the hotel and then start exploring the city. 2 nights in Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires Hotel: Gurda Tango Boutique Hotel $150/night
12/29Explore the San Telmo section of Buenos Aires. Go see a Tango show and eat Argentinean beef.
12/30We will have a leisurely morning before we make our way to the airport for a 5 hour flight to Ushuaia, departing at 2:05pm. 1 night in Ushuaia.
Ushuaia Hotel: Hotel Los Nires  $$-Included with the Antarctica expedition.
12/31We will most likely start the day exploring the nearby glacier. Another option is to visit the Tierra Del Fuego National Park. Embarkation for the voyage is at 4:00pm, New Year's Eve. 9 nights on board, 1 night in a tent.
Onboard Accomodations: Ocean Nova - 68 passenger ship
1/1Day 1, crossing Drake Passage.
1/2Day 2, crossing Drake Passage.
Accomodations: A tent on the ice.  $195/pp
1/8Crossing Drake Passage.
1/9Crossing Drake Passage.
1/10Disembarkation at about 8:00am. Take the 11:45am flight back to Buenos Aires. 3 nights in Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires Hotel: Hotel Home
1/11Buenos Aires
1/12Buenos Aires
1/13Travel to Mendoza. Depart at 8:00am for a 2 hour flight. Explore Mendoza. 2 nights in Mendoza.
Mendoza Hotel: Park Hyatt Mendoza  $185/night
1/14Winery Tour
1/15Travel to Santiago. Depart at 11:10am for a 1 hour flight. Explore Santiago. 1 night in Santiago.
Santiago Hotel: Hotel Plaza San Francisco  $179/night
1/16Explore Santiago. Our flight back to the US departs late at 11:05pm.
1/17We have a 2 hour layover to get through Immigration/Customs in Dallas. Our flight arrives in SFO at 9:40am.

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