Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, Dec. 27 - Off for the Southern Hemishpere

This was departure day for our big trip. We had contemplated leaving the day after Christmas, but decided that could drive us crazy. Good decision. The flight to Buenos Aires was basically uneventful. We flew out of SFO at at around noon and got into Miami a little after 8:00pm. We had a 3 hour layover and then it was on to Buenos Aires. I hate sleeping on planes. I slept some but not nearly enough.

Flight time was about 5 hours to Miami and then 10 hours to Buenos Aires. Argentina is 5 hours ahead of Pacific time. So you don't have much choice, you need to get some sleep on the plane to be able to function when you arrive.

I found it interesting that we flew right over Cuba in-route to Buenos Aires. It brings up some curious questions. Does Cuba mind that planes from the US use their airspace (we were on an American Airlines flight)? Did the airlines tell Fidel, "Hey, we know our countries hate each other, but we really like to party in Rio. You don't mind if we fly right over the top of your country to save some time, right?". Fidel says, "Yeah sure, maybe you can do me another favor and put a fresh coat of paint on those barracks at Guantanamo. It's bringing down the neighborhood. Mi agimgo, Hugo in Venezuela, is giving me a hard time about it.".

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