Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wednesday, Jan. 6 - Vernadsky Station/Petermann Island

Camping ended early. We were awaken at 5:45am to begin packing up. We didn't get that much sleep. I thought the morning would be cold, the snow was crunchy outside but it was prett easy getting out of the bag. Sometimes when you are camping you dread those early mornings. The sun had been up for almost 4 hours, so maybe that had something to do with it. We got back to the ship and I showered before the wake-up call at 7:00am.

There are few things I should mention about the camping event. First of all it cost us $390. Now look, it is definitely a novelty to camp in Antarctica. There were many restrictions. We could not bring anything to eat or drink, except for water. There are no campfires allowed. I had read that where one company sends the bartender out to serve hot drinks. Not on this one. The duration of the event is pretty short. And then after the event you have to help dry out the tents and put everything away. If I knew all of this beforehand would I have done it? Yes, for the novelty, but it does seem like a bit of a rip-off.

The first outing of the morning was to Vernadsky Station, a Ukrainian station that they bought from the British for 1 pound. The British wanted to unload the thing instead of having to maintain or dismantle it. This is where the ozone hole was first discovered by the British. The Ukrainians are now continuing that search. We toured the facility. We saw the working quarters and some of the instruments used to measure the atmosphere. They also have a nice bar with a pool table. You can buy a shot of vodka there. Instead we bought a plaque and mailed a postcard from the station to ourselves. We had to buy a Ukrainian stamp for postage. On Monday, Feb. 22 we received the postcard. Not too bad, almost 7 weeks.

After visiting Vernadsky, there was a zodiac cruise. A few of us decided to skip the cruise and head straight back to the ship.

Weather Vane at Vernadsky Camping Takes Its Toll

It was a rather sunny day. So for lunch we had an outdoor BBQ on the deck. BBQ beef and sausages were on the menu. There was beer and an assortment of other goodies. It was a nice gathering.

BBQ on the Deck, Al Fresco

The next stop was Peterman Island. This was the warmest day on the trip. It was nice and sunny, The attire was minimal, long underwear, a shirt, and a fleece layer (until the sun went away). We walked up to a vantage point before heading down a small pennisula. At the vantage point we could see several humpbacks in the channel. As we headed down the pennisula you viewed a range of dramatic mountains on one side and then turning 180 degrees you had a view out to open water filled with icebergs.

View from Petermann Island Hiking on Petermann Island Gentoo Penguins. They don't fly, it's just how they walk.

Prior to dinner, the "Polar Plunge" event was held. Yep, people jumped into the water. I didn't do it. I could not bear the thought of being that cold. The water is around 36-38 degrees. You get a shot of vodka when you get out.

Someone is about to get cold.

During dinner the ship was repositioned around the Iceberg graveyard ( or Iceberg Alley as some call it). In the evening we took a zodiac cruise around Iceberg Alley looking for whales and other wildlife. We saw some leopard seals and we made several whale spottings. We got very close to one of the Humpbacks and I was able to get a close up photo of the tail.

Whales. Up Close. One of Antarctica's predators, the Leopard Seal An Iceberg Up Close This is what you do on a zodiac, take pictures.

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