Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, Jan. 9, 2010 - Drake Passage

When we awoke the sea was much calmer. It was a quiet day and most of the passengers were feeling better again. Most of the passenger's were ready to get off the ship. I had never been on a boat for this length of time and I was ready to get back to the dry land accomodations. 4 days at sea to get 5 days around Antarctica. It certainly isn't an easy place to get to. Especially considering that at the end of the voyage you are still at the very Southern tip of South America.

The day was filled with a few presentations by the guides. We had to settle our accounts and then we had the farewell dinner. It was really the last chance we had to talk with our new found friends. The next morning we would all be disembarking and proceeding with the next leg of our journeys.

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