Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008 - Venice/Siena

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We were out of our room between 8:00am and 9:00am and had breakfast. We had a 10:43am Eurostar train to catch. But first we had to ride on the Vaporetto to the train station. It was a nice sunny morning without the crowds we had first encountered on the way from the Train station. We bought sandwiches to-go at the train station and then boarded the Eurostar to Florence. It was a very nice high speed train, with tables and power outlets for laptops. At Florence, we went to the Bus station and found the bus to Siena as suggested by Rick Steves. It was faster than the train and not half bad. We didn’t really know where to get off, but we figured it out.

We arrived in Siena and drug our luggage through town and found our hotel. The iPhone helped us out with Google Maps. We went to the bar across the street for a drink. It wasn’t the best atmosphere, almost in an alley setting, but it was good enough. We then went to dinner at a place we found near the piazza which was really good. They had no wine list because the waiter insists that he choose the proper wine for you. And what a fine wine it was. I forget what I ordered, but I remember it being very good and less than the Venice prices. The owner/waiter even thanked us for attempting to speak Italian.

The Grand Canal Commerce Shipping on the Grand Canal Our high ceiling room in Siena

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