Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sept. 28, 2008 - Going Home

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Going home day. We got up at around 6:00am. We need to walk out of the hotel by 7:00am for a 7:23am train. We left the hotel at about 6:50am, good! That gave me time for my last caffe doppio. We boarded the train and in 30 minutes we were at Gallarate, where according to the Rick Steves' book we should find a bus. No bus, so we took a cab. My Italian must have been improving for when I asked the cabbie how much to the airport he rattled off a bunch of fares in Italian. I had to ask him to repeat it and then he realized I was an English speaker and explained the fares in English.

We arrived at the terminal and loaded onto the plane. The plane took off a bit late. Well that did not affect things as it arrived early. But then we had to go through Immigration/Customs at JFK. This is why we like the nonstop flights to SFO. Otherwise it takes too much time and causes anxiety. You wonder if you will make your next flight. Note to self, non-stops can be worth the price.

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