Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008 - Cinque Terre

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cinque Terre Day. We woke up at about 8:00am, with breakfast at about 9:30am. There seemed to be a lot less tourists on this morning and there was work to be done by the locals. They were bringing in seafood and produce, hauling demolished masonry and other such activity. It looked like it was going to be a nice day as it was mostly clear, but still a nip in the air. We had to check out of our room at La Mala and move into another room. They could not book us for all 3 nights in La Mala so they offered us another room for one night. Only 70 Euro. The room was a bit more rustic and without a view, but quite adequate.

After checking out we headed to the train station and caught the next train to Riomaggiore. We strolled around and had lunch at a pizza place that was in Rick Steve’s book. The guy running the place wanted to see our guidebook and took it in the back to read to others. We stopped in a wine shop and bought 6 bottles of wine to be shipped. Three Cinque Terre wines, a Chianti, a Brunello, and a Super-Tuscan. So instead of carrying wine home, we decided to drink the rest of what we bought in Tuscany and have these six bottles shipped. That way we avoided checking our luggage. Interestingly, the shop keeper told us there would be no problem shipping the product. That is not what we were told in Tuscany and I thought wine had to be shipped via an exporter unless you actually carried the wine through customs yourself. Well after we were back at home the wine arrived via Fed Ex just as we ordered. However, the packing slip and invoice said 6 bottles of Olive Oil! I believe the Corleone family of the Godfather movies was also in the Olive Oil business.

We then walked from Riomaggiore to Manorola on a path called the Della Amore. Manorola is another nice town, that is less touristy. It has a trail through the nearby vineyards that eventually intersects the main trail. The main trail would lead us to our next destination, the town of Cornglia. As we started on the trail it started to sprinkle rain.

Cornglia is up on a hill not down on the water like the others. So by the time we got to the base of the hill, it was pouring rain. We ducked in for some shelter with somes Canadians. It was a bit uncomfortable in the makeshift shelter, we were still getting wet and the shelter was too short for me, forcing me to crouch down. So we made a break for it up the 10 to 15 switchbacks. By the time we got to the top we were soaked. We found the all important Gelateria (Gelato shop) and took shelter. Well that was the end of the hike. We caught the bus to the train station and headed back to Vernazza.

We had a nice dinner, Anchovy casserole for me and swordfish for Becky. I then caught up with things at an Internet cafe. We went to bed relatively early as we had to leave for Switzerland the next morning.


Vernazza is much better on a weekday, can’t say if that is always the case but it was our observation. La Mala was very comfortable. The hike is probably one of the best things about the Cinque Terre, as you explore 5 very similar towns on foot. I could have probably stayed another day. Yes the rain was a nuisance, but you can't order weather.

Becky and I on the Della Amore path On the vineyard trail Manorola Just a little sprinkle at this point Our home base in the Cinque Terre, Vernazza

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