Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sept. 25, 2008 - Berner Oberland

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The fog was thick. You could barely see down the street at times. We decided we would try to go up Schilthorn if it cleared. In the meantime I went down to the bar in the Eiger Guesthouse near the train station. They had internet access and there were a few things I needed to do. It was a comfortable place.

We decided not to do the Jungfrau. It would have been an all-day event to get there and back as well as expensive. Becky’s leg was hurting from the hike the day before so we just took it easy. Schilthorn would be an easy trip.

The fog never lifted so we just walked around the town and relaxed. We grabbed sandwich fixins at the grocery store. The restaurants are so pricy and the food was mediocre that we decided to make our own dinner. It turned out to be a good idea. We bought bread that needed to finish baking in the apartment oven. So with fresh bread, salame, mustard, and cheese we had a great sandwich. Then fresh apples and we were set.

We went back to the bar for internet access, there was an English man who was tending bar. Becky talked to him while I worked on the computer in the pool room. There were two young girls smoking and drinking beer. They were playing pool and singing along with American songs they had selected from the juke box. Such great hits as "Greased Lighting" from the musical Grease?

We went back to the room to pack for the next day. We then took the rest of our Italian wine upstairs to share with the other Americans staying in the B&B. We had a nice visit and turned in for the night.

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